Glossy vs Matte Monitors for Gaming

July 30, 2021

Glossy vs Matte Monitors for Gaming

Are you in the market for a new gaming monitor and wondering whether a glossy or matte screen panel is better suited for your needs? This article will help you compare and make an informed decision based on your preferences.

Glossy Monitors

Glossy monitors have a shiny, reflective coating that enhances color vibrancy and produces deep blacks. This type of monitor allows for better contrast and brightness as it doesn't diffuse the light as much as a matte screen panel would.

The downside to a glossy monitor is that it's highly reflective, which can cause glare and make it difficult to see the display in brightly lit environments. Moreover, it can be a distraction as some gamers can see their own reflections in the screen, which could reduce their overall immersion.

Matte Monitors

Matte monitors have a non-reflective coating that scatters light, which makes it easier to read text and view images in environments with bright ambient light. Matte screens are also less prone to smudging as they don't retain fingerprints as often as glossy screens.

The disadvantage of a matte monitor is that it can dull colors and lower overall image quality, which is an issue for gamers who want to see vivid colors in their games. Additionally, matte coatings can make blacks appear grayish or blotchy since diffuse light can reduce contrast.

So Which is Better for Gaming?

It ultimately depends on your personal preferences, environment, and gaming needs. If you play in a dimly lit room and want vivid colors, a glossy monitor is the best option for you. However, if you need a monitor that offers better readability in brightly lit areas and doesn't smear as often, then a matte monitor is the way to go.

Either way, we recommend visiting a local electronics store and testing both options to see which type of monitor suits your gaming style and environment!


In conclusion, both glossy and matte monitors have unique features that can benefit gamers. While glossy monitors offer better color vibrancy and contrast, they can be challenging to use in well-lit environments. On the other hand, matte monitors are great for readability and reducing glare, but they can dull colors and lower overall image quality. Ultimately, it comes down to finding the perfect balance between what's important to you!


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